Second only to Earl Grey tea as the most popular black tea across Europe and North America, black currant tea is known for its fruity flavor and abundance of health benefits. Soothing and naturally sweet, this variety of tea is just one of the many premium flavors that can be found at Tea Forté. Before preparing a cup of black currant tea for yourself, take a moment to discover its origins and health benefits.
The leaves and dried berries used to make currant teas come from a shrub native to Tibet. Now grown in northern Asia and central and northern Europe, the black currant plant produces a fruit similar in appearance to blueberries, but darker in color and flavor. These berries are often made into jams, jellies, syrups, and juices, as well as folk medicine preparations for their anti-inflammatory effects. We've even developed a scone recipe to celebrate this delicious flavor. Make your own Triple Tea Scones at home with Black Currant tea.
Those who find coffee too stimulating would do well to replace one or more of their morning cups with a flowery and fragrant mug of a black tea blend containing black currant. It contains a moderate amount of caffeine, but far less than that of a cup of coffee. Most black teas have around 40 mg of caffeine, which is half that of a brewed cup of joe, and herbal black currant teas have no caffeine at all, making them safe for tea enthusiasts with caffeine sensitivities. As for Tea Forte’s black currant tea, its black tea leaves and dark berry undertones create a gentle eye-opener to ease into the day.
Like most teas, those made with currant leaves boast antioxidant properties. In particular, the leaves and berries contain tannins, anthocyanins, vitamin C and potassium. Anthocyanins are a phytonutrient found in deep red and blue berries, including dark currants. These are the same compounds that give red wine its purported benefits. The high antioxidant content of anthocyanins (gamma-linolenic acid in particular) is believed to help the body fight inflammation.* In many European countries, the leaves of the black currant plant are often used to fight colds, flu and fevers as well as to soothe sore throats and calm coughs.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

1. Place one teaspoon of leaves per cup into a tea infuser, or simply use Tea Forté Black Currant pyramid tea infuser.
2. Heat 8 ounces of fresh water to 208˚F degrees (just below boiling
3. Pour water into the cup & over tea leaves.
4.Steep for 3-5 minutes, remove tea leaves and enjoy.
To enjoy the benefits of black currant tea for yourself, discover Tea Forté’s Black Currant tea blend.
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